Osmosis Reserve

Solitaire Rules

Osmosis Reserve Solitaire/Patience rules for Osmosis Reserve

Object of the game
Move all the cards to the foundations
52 cards - One standard deck
  • Four foundations built by suit, regardless of rank
  • The base of the foundations is determined by the first card dealt from the stockpile
  • On the top foundation, any card of the same suit as the base card may be played
  • On the lower foundations, begin with a card of the same rank as the base card. Then, play any card of the same suit as the base card whose rank already exists in the foundation directly above it
  • Four tableau piles with three cards each
  • The top card of each pile is available for play on the foundations
  • No building is allowed on the tableau piles
  • An empty space may not be filled
  • The top card of each pile is available for play on the foundations
  • When selected, deals one card to each reserve pile
  • One redeal is permitted (two deals in total)

Osmosis Reserve

Solitaire rules index