One234 Solitaire/Patience rules for One234
Object of the game
Move all the cards to the foundations
52 cards - One standard deck
- Four foundations are built up, regardless of suit, from the base card until each pile contains 13 cards
- Foundation 1 is built up by ones (A, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...)
- Foundation 2 is built up by twos (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ...)
- Foundation 3 is built up by threes (3, 6, 9, Q, 2, ...)
- Foundation 4 is built up by fours (4, 8, Q, 3, 7, ...)
- The tilted card serves as a reminder of the last card's rank on each foundation
- Once placed on the foundation, cards may not be moved
- Eight tableau columns with six cards each
- The top card of each column is available for play on the foundations
- No building is allowed on the tableau columns
- An empty space may not be filled